
free training

Do You Struggle With Showing Up On Camera in an Effective Way For Your Social Media Business? Want More Confidence on Camera in General?

I created this free mini course to help you understand what it takes to create dynamic and inviting videos that exude confidence!

Many of you watch on as influencers, actors, or business people create videos daily with seemingly effortless confidence. I want that for you too! In this mini course, you'll learn why certain people are so engaging, you'll learn how to become one of those people on camera, and you'll learn some practical ways of creating an energetic personality even when you have zero energy.

As a theater major and actress in several feature length and short films, I use these same practices to break out of my shell and step on camera any place, any time. I am ready to step on camera at a moment's notice and I want that for you and your business too! Let me show you how easy it can be.